*NEW* Feature Friday - Microcosmos 21st of February



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*NEW* Feature Friday - Inside Melly's Mind 14th of February



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EllieCreation Is Now An #AccessAllAsos Insider!



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#TopCornTribe Ellie's Thoughts And Overview!*



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Friday 21 February 2014

*NEW* Feature Friday - Microcosmos 21st of February

New Feature Friday!
Featuring Microcosmos

Wow can't believe it is Friday already! Seems as if the weeks just fly by when its the run up of Feature Friday! Hope you are all doing well, sat comfortably and with a warm drink, ready to see this week's feature.
I was approached by Microcosmos during my usual social networking on Twitter in regards to my Friday Features; I had not come across this company before and when I clicked to see their website I was hugely surprised.. Their clothing is all completely unique and designed using premium Italian fabrics for sewing work and digital printing. It is almost like fashion artwork, they've created pieces such as T-shirts to even pregnancy wear! These garments have been made in Spain compliance with the principles of responsible trade made in Spain too! It's my pure delight to share this new exclusive company with you all!


Interview with Alicia Monereo l Designer of Microcosmos

1) What has been your key inspiration to your current career? 
I started designing when I was little, then I just followed my vocation and hobby until it became a rewarded job.

2) What do you enjoy the most about your job?
The creative part, when I develop what I have in mind into something real.

3) To date, what has been your 'proudest' moment?
The launch of MICROCOSMOS.

4) Where do you see yourself in the future?
Happy trying to make my dreams come true.

5) What tips/advice would you give to someone who wants to go down the same career path as yourself?
They should believe in themselves and their ideas, have vocation and be passionate about fashion design.

6) Which would you say is your favourite item off your website at the moment?
They are all very special for me but the Kimono is my favourite piece.


Feel free to check out more of Microcosmos's collections over on their website which I've linked down below along with their networking links also!
It Was such a fantastic opportunity to find out about Microcosmos hope its inspired you also!


Friday 14 February 2014

*NEW* Feature Friday - Inside Melly's Mind 14th of February

New Feature Friday!
Featuring Inside Melly's Mind

Happy Valentines day beauties! Today's Feature Friday is a lovely blogger called Melissa. Her blog is Inside Melly's Mind and she focuses on beauty, fashion, music and writing! Her posts are in great depth and thoroughly fit her blog's purpose and themes. 
Melissa can usually be found at her desk in the head office of T H Baker, where she works as an Online Content Writer or her desk at home, doing freelance copywriting or journalism. 

It's been  a lot of fun getting to know Melly more through our interview! Hope you like reading about her and her blog! 


Interview with Melissa l Owner of Inside Melly's Mind

1) What has been your key inspiration to beginning your blog? 
My key inspiration was seeing the enjoyment that other bloggers got out of writing their blog. They had their own little space to share what was going on in their worlds and I wanted that too.
2) What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
The thing I enjoy the most about blogging is that I can say whatever I like, write about what interests me and really express myself. I'm a copywriter, so usually, I have to think carefully about what my clients need. On my blog, I've really been able to develop my own style and tone. 
3) To date, what has been your 'proudest' blog moment?
I think probably getting my first client, via the blog. They found it and got in touch. But every time someone tells me they've read it or leave a comment, I brim with pride a little. 
4) Where do you see yourself and blog develop in the future?
I would like for my blogs readership to massively increase. I am planning on taking a lot more photographs, as I don't feel there are enough of the images that I'd like to see, on there currently. I want to do more fashion posts and regular features.
5) What tips/advice would you give to someone who wants to go down the blogging path like yourself?
- Put time into thinking about your name and then decide what kind of blog you want it to be. But know that it's okay to deviate from that a little. If you're a beauty blogger but there's something else you want to shout about, go for it. It's your blog and your choice. -Plan your posts ahead of time and make sure you talk about it on social media. 
Read other blogs and engage with them - before you know it, you'll feel like you're really part of a community. 
6) Which would you say is your favourite type of blog post to do?
I think my Melly's Musing's posts. I've realised that I like a bit of a rant here and there. 
7) 3 Must have beauty items you couldn't be without!
- Benefit 'They're Real!' mascara 
- Body Shop Lightening Touch 
- Red Lipstick 



Thank you so much Melissa, for allowing me to share with my readers about yourself and your blog! I wish you all the very best with your future and career!

Make Melly's day by going to visit her networking sites!
Links are down below! Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Tuesday 11 February 2014

EllieCreation Is Now An #AccessAllAsos Insider!

I've got some special news to share with you all!

I've been a big fan of Asos for a very long time; They have everything you need from vintage pieces to current trends in all different sizes! 
I came across #accessallasos through the wonderful world of blogging as I browsed through the new year. I saw a few bloggers who spoken about this opportunity, where you apply and fill out an online form to become an Asos insider and if you have succeed you're contacted by the team!

Of course even though I've been blogging for quite some time, I didn't think I'd stand a chance because #accessallasos receive so many applications each month from many talented fashionistas! 
So I went to the application form, filled it out and crossed my fingers. It must have been a week that passed and I checked my emails like I do daily, and came across a follow from the access all ASOS team on Twitter; at first I thought it was a coincidence but I then came to find that I was accepted from that month! I can honestly say I was speechless! But above all, proud. 

So what is an #accessallasos insider you may ask? well, as quoted from their website - an exciting new destination for our most loyal fans where we’ll give you unprecedented access to all things ASOS. That means being the first to know about new collections, initiatives and campaigns, opportunities to visit ASOS HQ and invites to exciting events. You’ll be able to really get under our skin, learn how we do what we and get involved yourself. There might even be the odd freebie or exclusive discount…
I didn't think things could get any better but they did! I received a gorgeous personal gift through the post directly from the team, welcoming me to the group. I'm delighted to share with my readers what I received!



This box was a lovely and thoughtful idea, reflecting each of the newcomers personalities and making our days that little bit more special!
I'm excited to let you all know all the newest from ASOS HQ so look out for those posts! 


Monday 10 February 2014

#TopCornTribe Ellie's Thoughts And Overview!*

Metcalfe's Topcorn
#TopCornTribe's Skinny Gift box

Firstly I would love to thank the TopCorn team for this opportunity to sample and try their popcorn range! I've loved popcorn for as long as I can remember, whether its been at the cinema or picking up a pack when out shopping; Metcalfe brought some interesting flavor concepts together; Providing this and making them a snack that is completely guilt free which is why they are known for their 'Skinny Popcorn' 

I was contacted out of the blue with an email regarding their Topcorntribe, This is something I have never heard of, and as you know my blog considers all things Unique and fun, I couldn't pass up the chance to share this with you all!

What did the Gift box contain?

I was surprised to receive such a large box as a complimentary gift, with 12 packets of their snack size Topcorn in 6 different flavors, it was a perfect way to sample some of their collection!

Here is each pack in detail!

Chocolate Crackle

Sweet 'n Salt

Sea Salt

Wasabi Glaze

Sweet Cinnamon Spice

Heat 'n Sweet


Of course as for the taste test goes, I've only tried the Chocolate crackle so far; The taste and texture is unbelievable! It goes through a chocolate drizzle machine process when it is made, so each piece has that added chocolate bonus! 

I will update you on the other flavors that I try through Twitter with the hashtag #TopCornTribe so look out for the tweets!

Thank you again to the amazing team for allowing me to try their gift box out!

Check out their website - http://metcalfesskinny.com/

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