*NEW* Feature Friday - Love Beauty and Spa Blog 25th of October

New Feature Friday!
Featuring Love Beauty and Spa

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you're all doing okay feels like this month has rushed by! So will be November and almost..If I dare say it..Christmas.
But on with the blog post! Today's feature I'm pleased to announce is another fellow blogger, Love Beauty and spa which is owned by the lovely Lottie. She blogs all about everything beauty related from reviews to her own personal thoughts! With interesting blog posts and clear photography to match, she is a joy to read! 
I'm extremely pleased that she contacted me to Feature her, so my readers can also find out about her beautiful self!

Read on to see our interview and what Lottie enjoys about blogging.

Interview with Lottie l Owner of Love Beauty and Spa

1) What has been your key inspiration to beginning your blog?
    I have always been obsessed with all things beauty, and since becoming a beauty therapist I have had the opportunity to try many new products out. I wanted to share new products and different beauty brands with others.

2) What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
          Although I really enjoy writing each post, my favourite aspect would have to be the really thoughtful and encouraging comments that are left on some of my posts. Bloggers share a really friendly and positive community and everyone is really supportive. It helps keep blogging fun!

3) To date, what has been your 'proudest' blog moment?
This probably sounds quite dull, but I think simply designing my blog and publishing my first post was my proudest moment. I am absolutely awful with using computers (most technology for that matter), so it took me ages to set up and even longer to feel brave enough to publish my very first post as I was nervous about what other people would think. I then realised that I should be blogging for me, and not for anybody else and now I never feel nervous about any blog post I publish.
      I also recently attended Superdrug’s Press Show where they displayed new brands and new products soon to be launched in Superdrug stores. This was my first ‘blogger event’ so was really nervous, but met some amazing people and discovered some fantastic new products and had a fabulous day. I now can’t wait to attend more!

4) Where do you see yourself and blog develop in the future?
       I am currently setting up my own beauty business, Heartsease Beauty (www.heartsease-beauty.co.uk) so I would obviously love for that to become successful. I also plan to continue blogging for as long as possible, as I find it really fun.

5) What tips/advice would you give to someone who wants to go down the blogging path like yourself?
I think many people who regularly read blogs would love to create their own blog. My advice would be: go for it. You have absolutely nothing to lose, just things to gain. Blogging isn’t about getting your blog ‘famous’, it is about having fun sharing your thoughts and networking with other lovely people within the blogging community. Always write about what you are passionate about and it will always be fun.

6) Which would you say is your favourite type of blog post to do?
I would probably say reviews. I love reading reviews and I love writing reviews – particularly about very new products that have just been launched. Whenever I hear about a new product, I am always desperate to know whether it actually works. This is why blog reviews are so useful!

7) 3 Must have beauty items you couldn't be without!
As you can imagine, I own and use an obscene amount of products, but my top three would have to include BareMinerals foundation, Neal & Wolf Harmony hair treatment, and probably St Tropez tanning mousse. I use them all the time and am yet to find products which top them, in my opinion.


Feel free to check out her blog and other social sites! 
Was so much fun getting to know you more Lottie, all the best for your blog and business!

Twitter: @lottiepearce
Instagram: lottiepearce




  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Irene!
      Pleased to share with you all fellow bloggers!
      Hoping to do more features on them in the new year!
      Love Ellie xo


Friday 25 October 2013

*NEW* Feature Friday - Love Beauty and Spa Blog 25th of October

New Feature Friday!
Featuring Love Beauty and Spa

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you're all doing okay feels like this month has rushed by! So will be November and almost..If I dare say it..Christmas.
But on with the blog post! Today's feature I'm pleased to announce is another fellow blogger, Love Beauty and spa which is owned by the lovely Lottie. She blogs all about everything beauty related from reviews to her own personal thoughts! With interesting blog posts and clear photography to match, she is a joy to read! 
I'm extremely pleased that she contacted me to Feature her, so my readers can also find out about her beautiful self!

Read on to see our interview and what Lottie enjoys about blogging.

Interview with Lottie l Owner of Love Beauty and Spa

1) What has been your key inspiration to beginning your blog?
    I have always been obsessed with all things beauty, and since becoming a beauty therapist I have had the opportunity to try many new products out. I wanted to share new products and different beauty brands with others.

2) What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
          Although I really enjoy writing each post, my favourite aspect would have to be the really thoughtful and encouraging comments that are left on some of my posts. Bloggers share a really friendly and positive community and everyone is really supportive. It helps keep blogging fun!

3) To date, what has been your 'proudest' blog moment?
This probably sounds quite dull, but I think simply designing my blog and publishing my first post was my proudest moment. I am absolutely awful with using computers (most technology for that matter), so it took me ages to set up and even longer to feel brave enough to publish my very first post as I was nervous about what other people would think. I then realised that I should be blogging for me, and not for anybody else and now I never feel nervous about any blog post I publish.
      I also recently attended Superdrug’s Press Show where they displayed new brands and new products soon to be launched in Superdrug stores. This was my first ‘blogger event’ so was really nervous, but met some amazing people and discovered some fantastic new products and had a fabulous day. I now can’t wait to attend more!

4) Where do you see yourself and blog develop in the future?
       I am currently setting up my own beauty business, Heartsease Beauty (www.heartsease-beauty.co.uk) so I would obviously love for that to become successful. I also plan to continue blogging for as long as possible, as I find it really fun.

5) What tips/advice would you give to someone who wants to go down the blogging path like yourself?
I think many people who regularly read blogs would love to create their own blog. My advice would be: go for it. You have absolutely nothing to lose, just things to gain. Blogging isn’t about getting your blog ‘famous’, it is about having fun sharing your thoughts and networking with other lovely people within the blogging community. Always write about what you are passionate about and it will always be fun.

6) Which would you say is your favourite type of blog post to do?
I would probably say reviews. I love reading reviews and I love writing reviews – particularly about very new products that have just been launched. Whenever I hear about a new product, I am always desperate to know whether it actually works. This is why blog reviews are so useful!

7) 3 Must have beauty items you couldn't be without!
As you can imagine, I own and use an obscene amount of products, but my top three would have to include BareMinerals foundation, Neal & Wolf Harmony hair treatment, and probably St Tropez tanning mousse. I use them all the time and am yet to find products which top them, in my opinion.


Feel free to check out her blog and other social sites! 
Was so much fun getting to know you more Lottie, all the best for your blog and business!

Twitter: @lottiepearce
Instagram: lottiepearce



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Irene!
      Pleased to share with you all fellow bloggers!
      Hoping to do more features on them in the new year!
      Love Ellie xo


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